Conventions — August 26, 2017 at 9:06 pm

Take It For A Test Drive

Lorenzo il Magnifico Demo
Colin looks for 2 more to play Lorenzo il Magnifico

You can watch reviews of board games, but most folks give positive reviews to almost every game.  So, how do you know for sure if you’ll like a game?  If you can make it to a convention, getting a demo of the game is a good place to start.  As previously mentioned, CMON had quite a few games in their booth ready and waiting for anyone who wanted to sit down and play.  From what I could see, there was hardly any downtime.  Games were rotating in and out all day and the tables were almost always at capacity.


Rising SunLorenzo il MagnificoCouncil of Four13 CluesThe Godfather: Corleone's EmpireMassive DarknessRichard the LionheartWay of the Panda


Games Available for Demo

  • 13 Clues
  • Arcadia Quest: Pets
  • Banana Bandits
  • Bloodborne
  • Council of 4
  • Dream On!
  • Ethnos
  • Gateway Uprising
  • Gekido
  • Godfather: Corleone’s Empire
  • Lorenzo il Magnifico
  • Massive Darkness
  • Modern Art
  • Potion Explosion: The Fifth Ingredient
  • Raise Your Goblets
  • Richard the Lionheart
  • Rising Sun
  • Sherlook
  • Song of Ice & Fire – Stark vs Lannister Starter Set
  • Unfair
  • Way of the Panda
  • World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch
  • Zombicide: Green Horde

Gen Con 50 Recap

Booth Upgrades Installed

What’s In Store?

 Keep Calm and Plan Events


  1. Pingback: What's In Store At Gen Con 50? | CMON Fanboy

  2. Pingback: Booth Upgrades Installed | CMON Fanboy

  3. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Recap | CMON Fanboy

  4. Pingback: Gamer Goggles: A Song of Ice & Fire | CMON Fanboy

  5. Pingback: Keep Calm and Plan Events | CMON Fanboy

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