Conventions — August 5, 2017 at 9:48 am

Gen Con 50: Lineup

Gen Con 2017 Dragon
Gen Con 2017 Dragon

It’s no secret that Gen Con has some of the largest crowds you’ll see at a gaming convention.  This year is no exception as it’s the 50th anniversary. To accommodate more folks they’ve expanded out onto the field at Lucas Oil Stadium and even invited They Might Be Giants to put on a concert.

How then, can you guarantee your chance to try out one of the newest games?  No fear, we’ve got you covered.  Check out the full listing of CMON’s 130+ events below.


Designer Signings

Learn to Play Events

Special Events***




  1. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Special Events | CMON Fanboy

  2. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Learn to Play | CMON Fanboy

  3. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Tournaments | CMON Fanboy

  4. Pingback: Designer Signings! | CMON Fanboy

  5. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Demos | CMON Fanboy

  6. Pingback: Gen Con 50: New Demo Titles! | CMON Fanboy

  7. Pingback: Gen Con 50: SOLD OUT! | CMON Fanboy

  8. Pingback: Campaign For HATE | CMON Fanboy

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