Conventions, Kickstarter — June 27, 2017 at 6:10 pm

Record Breaking Horde


On father’s day weekend, just over 2 years ago, I was attending CMON Expo 2015 while the Zombicide: Black Plague campaign was in full swing.  I had met Thiago and Guilherme during the Arcadia Quest panel, and later saw Thiago in the convention hall sitting at his computer.  He was posting comments, updates, and was genuinely blown away by the amount of success the campaign was having.  In fact, it was going so well that we had almost surpassed all planned stretch goals and the team was rushing to create new ones on the fly.  They had to start making Knight-level pledge only exclusives because there was SO MUCH free content in the base pledge that CMON was actually going to lose money.  In the end, Black Plague was the most successful campaign of its era with 20,915 backers pledging $4,079,204.  That’s roughly $195 per backer!

Well, lessons learned, I suppose.  There are no longer multiple pledge levels and the team tries to create way more content than they think we can achieve.  More importantly, this campaign was held after CMON Expo, so Thiago can actually get some sleep!  😉  I’m happy to say though that us backers pushed the team to their limits yet again.  By the end of the Green Horde campaign, we not only unlocked all planned content but also getting several extra created such as the Horde Tile, Chromatiz, and the Horde Box which was unlocked about 90 seconds before the end of the campaign.  All told, Green Horde broke the company record with 27,236 backers pledging $5,004,614!


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