Announcements, Big Box Games — May 18, 2017 at 6:37 pm

The Godfather: Tabletop Showcase


Starting June 19th, 2017 and continuing throughout the week, Tabletop Showcase will be featuring content dedicated solely to The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire from some of your favorite board game media creators including Watch It Played, The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast, Rolling Dice & Taking Names, Pair of Dice Paradise, Drive Thru Review, and Board Game Replay.

What Is Tabletop Showcase?

Tabletop Showcase is a sponsored week of media content focused on a single game chosen exclusively by our members. These are games we’re proud and excited to feature.

The members of Tabletop Showcase aim to initially limit these features to twice a year, ensuring that each chosen game is given our focused attention. Over the course of the week, daily content will be released to give you all the insights we can uncover, so you can determine whether the game would be one you’d enjoy.

How are Tabletop Showcase games chosen?

Due to the time we’ll be dedicating to the featured game, it’s important to us that we have a personal interest in the selections we choose. For this reason, games considered for Tabletop Showcase will be ones we unanimously enjoyed.

If we also believe the game has the potential to capture the interest of the broader gaming community, we’ll partner with the publisher to create the content.


  1. Pingback: Showcase - The Godfather: Corleone's Empire | CMON Fanboy

  2. Pingback: The Others: Dice Tower Awards 2016 Nominee | CMON Fanboy

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