Announcements, Uncategorized — September 26, 2017 at 1:45 pm

PSA: Dized Campaign Ending

Dized Indiegogo Campaign Blood Rage
Learn to Play Blood Rage by CMON

A few weeks ago we gave a brief preview of the new Dized app from Playmore Games that lets users learn to play board games more intuitively without having to read the rules.  Since then, it has become the most funded App ever on IndieGoGo and publishers are clamoring to get signed up.  Not only that, but they’ve added two more CMON titles to their library: Rising Sun and Potion Explosion!

Dized Indiegogo Campaign

If you haven’t at least taken a brief look yet, you definitely should within the next 48 hours or so before the campaign ends.  Not only is the price slashed by up to 66%, but you’ll also be entered into a drawing for a board game table and a stack of games valued at over $10,000!

Dized IndieGoGo Campaign Full Access
3 Years or 36 Games for only $39!

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