Kickstarter — September 28, 2017 at 6:44 pm

Optional Buy: Massive Darkness Crossover Kit

Zombicide: Green Horde Massive Darkness Crossover Kit
Zombicide: Green Horde Massive Darkness Crossover Kit


Backers were been begging for a Green Horde / Massive Darkness crossover since the Zombicide: Green Horde campaign began.  Fortunately, their cries have not gone unanswered and the powers that be eventually caved.

For $13 you can add this set of cards which span ALL retail items!  Now, this is NOT a Kickstarter-Exclusive item per-se, but my spidey sense tells me that the odds of this reaching retail are relatively slim.  Yes, we’re looking DIRECTLY at you, Arcadia Crossover Kit!

For $13 this Optional Buy brings all of the retail characters introduced in the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter campaign into Massive Darkness. It contains 64 cards converting 17 Heroes, 5 Mobs, 2 Agents, 7 Roaming Monsters, and 3 Familiars to use them in Massive Darkness. As this is not a Kickstarter Exclusive item, it does not include any of the Kickstarter Exclusive characters introduced in this campaign, and those will not be converted to Massive Darkness.


The Budget ConsciousPASS

If we decide we like Massive Darkness enough we’ll buy one of the expansions from the original game.

The RevelerBUY

I can make Massive Darkness even more-better?

The Humble CollectorBUY

Gotta catch ’em all.


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