Backers were been begging for a Green Horde / Massive Darkness crossover since the Zombicide: Green Horde campaign began. Fortunately, their cries have not gone unanswered and the powers that be eventually caved.
For $13 you can add this set of cards which span ALL retail items! Now, this is NOT a Kickstarter-Exclusive item per-se, but my spidey sense tells me that the odds of this reaching retail are relatively slim. Yes, we’re looking DIRECTLY at you, Arcadia Crossover Kit!
For $13 this Optional Buy brings all of the retail characters introduced in the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter campaign into Massive Darkness. It contains 64 cards converting 17 Heroes, 5 Mobs, 2 Agents, 7 Roaming Monsters, and 3 Familiars to use them in Massive Darkness. As this is not a Kickstarter Exclusive item, it does not include any of the Kickstarter Exclusive characters introduced in this campaign, and those will not be converted to Massive Darkness.
The Budget Conscious – PASS
If we decide we like Massive Darkness enough we’ll buy one of the expansions from the original game.
The Reveler – BUY
I can make Massive Darkness even more-better?
The Humble Collector – BUY
Gotta catch ’em all.
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