This is quite possibly my favorite add-on of the entire campaign. Why? Fatty Bursters are walking time bombs that will obliterate anything near them from just the slightest touch. Shoot them with a ranged weapon? *kaboom* Push your buddy into one? *kaboom* The possibilities are endless…
Originally these were not planned to be offered separately, but the backers loved these so much that Thiago’s heart grew three sizes and it broke that measuring device…
Anywho… (see what I did there?)
The Budget Conscious – BUY
This is well worth every penny of $10. Besides, they’re KSE so I could always sell them later if needed.
The Reveler – BUY
The amount of havoc two or three sets of these could achieve gives me goose bumps.
The Humble Collector – BUY
Oh hell yes!
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