Conventions — August 27, 2017 at 7:06 pm

Keep Calm and Plan Events

Zombicide: Black Plague - The BIG Game Gen Con 50
Zombicide: Black Plague – The BIG Game

It’s with a bit of sadness that I write this post.  CMON’s event-master-in-chief, Sean Dooley, had to move on to better things.  If you’ve had a great time in a CMON event at any convention in the last 3+ years, it’s probably due to him.  This is especially true if it was one of the special events.  Gen Con 50 may have been his last with CMON, but what way to go!  His team was somehow able to cram almost 150 events into the best four days in gaming!

The Godfather: Corleone's Empire - Beat the Boss
The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire – Beat the Boss


Rum & Bones: Second Tide - Raise the Colors Gen Con 50
Rum & Bones: Second Tide – Raise the Colors


Arcadia Quest - Guildmaster's Tournament Prizes Gen Con 50
Arcadia Quest – Guildmaster’s Tournament Prizes


Blood Rage - Tournament for Ragnarok Gen Con 50
Blood Rage – Tournament for Ragnarok


Blood Rage - Tournament for Ragnarok Prizes Gen Con 50
Blood Rage – Tournament for Ragnarok Prizes


Gen Con 50 Recap

Booth Upgrades Installed

What’s In Store?

Take It For A Test Drive


  1. Pingback: Gen Con 50: Recap | CMON Fanboy

  2. Pingback: Booth Upgrades Installed | CMON Fanboy

  3. Pingback: What's In Store At Gen Con 50? | CMON Fanboy

  4. Pingback: Take It For A Test Drive | CMON Fanboy

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