Conventions — August 23, 2017 at 12:22 am

Gen Con 50: Recap

Exhibit Hall Gen Con 50
Attendees Eagerly Await the Opening of the Exhibit Hall, photo courtesy of CBS4Indy.


Gen Con 50, my first, is in the books and the bar has been set high! Check back here for all the sights and sounds we encountered as we have time to sift through them.

Booth Upgrades Installed

What’s In Store?

Take It For A Test Drive

 Keep Calm and Plan Events



  1. Pingback: Booth Upgrades Installed | CMON Fanboy

  2. Pingback: What's In Store At Gen Con 50? | CMON Fanboy

  3. Pingback: Take It For A Test Drive | CMON Fanboy

  4. Pingback: Keep Calm and Plan Events | CMON Fanboy

  5. Pingback: Kick-Ass: The Board Game | CMON Fanboy

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