Medium Box Games, Reviews — May 16, 2017 at 7:54 pm

Ethnos: Bloody Fantasy Battles


“Ethnos is Blood Rage for the Ticket to Ride crowd-and everyone else-and I can’t get enough of it.” –Raf Cordero

Ethnos Box


On the heels of CMON Expo 2017, Raf Cordero from Geek & Sundry shares his thoughts on the magic that is Ethnos.  Check out his article “Bloody Fantasy Battles the Whole Family can Enjoy!

It’s often tempting to heap praise on simple games. With so many games out there with 30 page rulebooks, interlocking systems, and 12 pounds of plastic; a simple game can be a refreshing change of pace. However, simplicity for its own sake is no more an inherent virtue than detailed miniatures and 7 decks of teeny cards. Complicated games can be elegant, but fall apart when the experience isn’t worth the bloat; simple games stumble when they have no tension or purpose. Ethnos from CMON is an easy game to pick up — and one with the tension and drama of a Minotaur-led horde of Halflings and Dwarfs rampaging through your neighborhood.

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