Announcements — May 23, 2017 at 9:18 pm

Ankama’s USA Distribution Deal Ends


Today, CMON Limited and Ankama Products have announced their USA distribution partnership has come to an end.  Ankama and CMON originally entered into their partnership to deliver on the awaited release of Krosmaster: Quest and have gone on to distribute Krosmaster Arena 2.0, 75 Gnom’ Street, Kromaster Collection: Cemetery Park, and more. CMON will continue to sell their remaining stock of Ankama Products along with providing customer support for those titles while supplies last.

The final game to be released under the current distribution deal will be Gang Rush: Breakout whose release date is currently set for June 23, 2017.


Ankama also added the following for current Krosmaster players:

Until further notice, all new English releases, starting with the Wild Realms Krosmaster collection, will be available on our online shop:

For more information, please contact

Regarding organized play

It is not our intention to remove the USA from the Organized Play circuit. We wish to see the community playing in tournaments, including the Qualifying Tournaments (QT) for the next World Championship. As such, the 10 QT reserved for the US are still a possibility.

If you desire to organize a QT in the USA for this season, please contact us by e-mail at . You have until Monday, June 12th at 9:00 PM CEST to send us your project.

Thanks in advance.

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